ST LEONARDS Men’s Shed is set to end its seven-year search for a home after councillors backed a master plan for the town’s reserves this week.
Cr John Doull said the plan for St Leonards Lake and Charles McCarthy reserves “killed four birds with one stone”.
“Through the one planning process we’ll have a men’s shed, a new public toilet block, upgraded sport facilities and a community centre.”
The Independent reported earlier this year that the shed’s group of 12 men had started a cooking group because they were unable to secure a site.
The group was holding a $50,000 State Government grant but “endangered grass” had prevented development of the shed in Charles McCarthy Reserve.
Cr Doull said the master plan included a new facility housing the men’s shed next to an existing building.
The facility would also have public toilets and sports changing rooms, he said.
An upgrade of the existing building would include shared kitchen, hall and meeting areas.
“The shed will be for the group and it will be great for them because they will also have access to extra facilities,” Cr Doull said.
“It resolves the issue of getting a Men’s Shed up in St Leonards. I can’t imagine where else it could go.”
Cr Doull said zoning requirements and the class of building required for the shed ruled out alternative sites.
“For a small community it’s really a good outcome for councillors to approve this proposal.”
Cr Doull said redevelopment work would begin this financial year.
“We’re going through permits and tender processes and will start as soon as possible.”
St Leonards Men’s Shed’s Ken Alexander was unaware of the council plan until the Independent contacted him.
The shed would provide members with a place to socialise and work on community projects, he said.
“It’s really great because we discuss problems, health issues and private stuff we don’t normally talk about.”
Mr Alexander said the group was the only Men’s Shed organisation out of 500 in Australia to have funding for facilities.