Student Phoebe a class act in model search

John Van Klaveren
JAN Juc’s Phoebe Clarke has enjoyed a meteoric entry into the modelling world after recently signing with a leading Melbourne agency and catching the judges’ eye in an Australia-wide model search.
Phoebe has been invited to attend a modelling roadshow for Girlfriend magazine in Melbourne next month after entering the publication’s 20th annual Rimmel Model Search.
“I didn’t expect such a response so soon,” Phoebe confessed.
“I only recently joined the FRM agency and got my photos done. I realise it’s an extremely competitive industry.”
Phoebe, who entered the model search competition with sister Serena, admitted a little sibling rivalry might be involved.
But her double university degree in architecture and construction management was Phoebe’s priority.
“I’ll see how it goes and what response there is from the fashion industry. I’m trying to be realistic about it,” she said.
“It’s important to have a good career – I know there aren’t hundreds of Elle McPhersons around the corner.”
Phoebe planned to juggle her modelling commitments with her six-year university studies.
“My main goal is to enjoy it, stay on track being healthy and fit and avoid the influence of having to be too skinny.
“It’s important to promote the need to be healthy. I think my healthy Australian beach look will bring me opportunities that other looks may not.”
Girlfriend editor Sarah Cornish said the model search looked for healthy, confident girls who wanted to make their dreams A reality.
“Phoebe has all the qualities we’re looking for: a great smile, a fantastic attitude and a healthy, natural Australian look,” Ms Cornish said.