Buy Local our prize campaign

Hamish Heard
Organisers of the region’s Buy Local campaign this week unveiled an $80,000 prize pool as the latest weapon in the region’s war on escape spending.
The ribbon was officially cut on the campaign in front of 150 local business identities, politicians and media representatives on Tuesday.
Following the launch, customers shopping at outlets displaying the distinctive Buy Local signage can enter the running for a range of prizes as part of a combined effort to stop the daily flow of $1.2 million a day out of the region.
Digby Hughes, from Geelong Business Network, said the campaign, like its message, was simple.
“Just purchase goods or services from Buy Local businesses, keep the receipts and take them in to any branch of the Bendigo Bank to convert them to Buy Local points and start reaping the rewards,” Mr Hughes said.
Prizes included goods and tickets to entertainment and sport events as well as discounts.
Mr Hughes said shopping at Buy Local outlets would help guarantee the region’s prosperity.
“By supporting Buy Local participants customers are supporting businesses that have themselves pledged to buy locally,” Mr Hughes said.