Outer suburbs: Water-saving heros

Alex de Vos
Residents of three Geelong outer-suburbs will finish stage four restrictions as champion water savers, according to a new report.
But the Barwon Water report revealed that Herne Hill would finish with the distinction of being the only suburb to increase its consumption in the last quarter of 2009.
Marshall residents led the way with an 18 per cent reduction, while Lovely Banks and Moolap households cut their use 10 per cent.
Marshall households used 480 litres of water per household daily compared to 587 litres in 2008/2009.
North Geelong residents were the region’s highest inner-city savers with an 11 per cent cut, followed by Geelong households on 10.6 per cent.
Drumcondra residents slashed consumption 10 per cent, while Highton households cut theirs 9.6 per cent.
Barwon Water managing director Michael Malouf praised residents.
“The savings clearly indicate people are making a concerted effort to save water above and beyond the level of restrictions,” Mr Malouf said.
“Both residential and business consumers have saved more than 34 million litres of valuable drinking water since stage four water restrictions were introduced in December, 2006.
“That’s six million litres better than forecast.”
Mr Malouf has announced Barwon Water will ease restrictions to stage three on Monday.
The new restrictions allow households to use dripper systems and water gardens up to eight hours a week. Sport organisations and councils will also be allowed to water “active playing surfaces” such as turf wickets, bowling greens, tennis courts and golf tees.
Mr Malouf said the decision to ease restrictions was based on “better-than-expected savings, favourable spring rain and new water sources coming on line”.