Andrew Mathieson
A YOUTH worker, an eco-tourism graduate and an Olympic volunteer will be the “eyes and ears” of council on central Geelong streets.
The eclectic mix has finished weeks of training to become the city’s new council-appointed “ambassadors”
Their role will include helping visitors with advice and information as well as handing out cautions for anti-social behaviour and reporting troublemakers to council.
Former youth worker Chris Verzantvoort was excited about the job.
“As soon as I saw the ad in the paper I knew I had to apply for it.
“This, honestly, is a position I was born to do.”
Fellow ambassador Damien Bernesconi was keen to utilise his skills from guiding spectators around the Sydney Olympics and six years later at Melbourne’s Commonwealth Games.
“I love Geelong and it is about promoting Geelong,” he said.
Kyle Lemon, eco-tourism graduate, also believed the role suited him to a tee.
“I’m all for talking to people and just helping out to make the city a better place,” he insisted.