By Luke Voogt
A rehab business has failed to win funding for an “innovative” private-public clinic from the State Government.
Habitat Therapeutics director Jim Tatlock met with representatives from the Department of Health and Human Services to discuss the “desperate” need for another local clinic.
“They said there is no money for it at the moment,” he said.
Mr Tatlock proposed a private venture subsidised by the government, following a model similar to some aged care homes.
Earlier this year the State Government announced $9.7 million for three rehabilitation facilities, including one in the Barwon region.
“Even if the whole amount was allocated to Geelong, that would be stretching it,” Mr Tatlock said.
“This proposal will deliver very little to the Geelong and Melbourne communities and not for several years.”
The State Government was committed to rolling out its “record investment” in harm minimisation throughout Victoria, a spokesperson said.
But Mr Tatlock said harm minimisation was ineffective for the majority of addicts in his experience.
“It might buy them some time. At times it can be ‘harm min to the max’.”
The Indy spoke to three recovered addicts this week who all stressed the effectiveness of intense, abstinence-based rehab compared to harm minimisation.
Rehab manager Warren Holland added that many of Habitat’s clients had contacted the company after participating in harm minimisation programs.