GEELONG’S council will spend $150,000 on a 12th transport-related study to be under way in the region.
G21 Geelong Alliance, GHD Consultants, Aecom Consultants and VicRoads are also conducting transport studies.
Other studies involving transport are included in projects to revitalise central Geelong, improve parking in the city area and to plan port freight.
A report to council said an integrated comprehensive transport plan would provide a “transportation framework” for the municipality.
The report said recent growth had changed transport needs for all modes, from walking, cycling and public transport to cars and freight.
Cycling infrastructure and “walkability” were inadequate, while bus services and rail stations needed investgation, the report said.
The report noted the other studies underway but said none included all forms of transport and “how they work together”.
The report said concil’s transport plan must investigate existing strategies and plans.
Public Transport Users Association Geelong branch convenor Paul Westcott said he was amazed at the number of studies in progress.
“It’s astounding, it’s a multiplicity of reports that seem to overlap to a greater or lesser extent,” Mr Westcott said.
“There would seem to be a distinct lack of integration despite some of their titles. I’m sure some could be run together.
“It’s extraordinary and the consultants are doing well out of it. You don’t get change out of $100,000 for these kinds of reports these days.
“There appears to be some relief that even the city has come to conclusion that there is duplication but it would be nice to see the money spent on improvements instead of consultant studies.
“It is important to be planned and coordinated but the number of studies suggests we’re uncoordinated and the money could be spent on actually doing stuff.”