Drivers, dogs blamed for postie injuries

Jessica Benton
City of Greater Geelong is a hot-spot for posties falling victim to careless drivers and stray dogs, according to Australia Post.
Spokesperson Nadine Lyford said 38 “serious incidents” in the past year ranked the region among Australia’s worst for postie accidents.
“Most of the accidents involving drivers and are happening on footpaths, with drivers backing out of their driveway,” Ms Lyford said.
“On some occasions the drivers are hitting the posties and they’re causing anything from broken limbs to scrapes and bruises.
“We’re also finding these incidents increase during school holidays when more people are at home.”
Ms Lyford listed dog bites and hazardous letterboxes as other causes of accidents.
“It doesn’t matter how cute and cuddly dogs are, they can still bite, and in many instances the postie may have an accident trying to avoid hitting a dog that has rushed out from a house,” she said.
“Residents can help reduce postie injuries from unsuitable letterboxes by ensuring their letterboxes are free from any sharp and dangerous edges, are clear from overhanging branches and are positioned correctly.”