Andrew Mathieson
Residents from across the region are contacting State Government complaining fluoridation of the water supply is making them sick, according to Department of Human Services.
TheY have complained of problems including nausea, bloating, urgent and frequent urination, fatigue, increased thirst, aching limbs, poor sleep and itchy skin or rashes over the past two weeks.
But department spokesperson Bram Alexander dismissed their fears that fluoridation was making them sick.
“I wouldn’t have thought there would be an issue because fluoride has been in Melbourne for over 30 years,” he said.
“It is our advice that, in terms of hyper-sensitivity and allergic reaction, we are not aware of any clinical or scientific evidence that is credible.
“Just because they have contacted us to say they think something might be going on, doesn’t mean it is.”
Mr Alexander said traces of fluoride were a “naturally occurring substance”, which had always been in Geelong’s water supply at low levels.
But a research officer for a lobby group fighting fluoridation in the region backed up the complaints.
Phillip Robertson said health authorities were putting their “head in the sand”.
“Their only answers are that it is quite safe,” he said.
“They cannot simply admit people are becoming sick because they would have to stop fluoridation immediately.”
The registered poison entered Geelong’s water on June 22 after years of protest from Barwon Association for Freedom from Fluoridation.
Victorian and national health authorities claim small doses help protect teeth against decay.
Mr Robertson expected the number of sufferers to further swell as more people built up allergies and toxic reactions.
He said about “a couple a day” were reporting ailments potentially due to fluoridation.
“This is consistent with research that has been in many countries overseas where about four or five per cent of the community drinking or bathing in the water becomes ill,” Mr Robertson said.
“I would say we are still scratching the surface of the first initial reaction.”
Mr Robertson, a naturopath, said many of his patients had left Melbourne because fluoride was “making them sick”.