Striking accord

Alex de Vos
Leading Geelong organisations agreed to talk to each other, share ideas and make decisions in the best interest of the community when they signed a 2006 Geelong Accord yesterday.
Premier Steve Bracks was the first to sign the agreement, guaranteeing State Government to a “valuable commitment to Geelong”.
Mr Bracks launched the accord on Geelong’s waterfront yesterday in front of an audience of local business and public sector leaders.
The accord, an initiative of City of Greater Geelong, also committed signatories to developing “positive opportunities” and governing in the best interests of residents.
Other requirements were sharing ideas, information and community data “in an open atmosphere based on trust”.
Geelong Mayor Peter McMullin said the content of the accord emerged during four round-table discussions with “opinion leaders”.
Contributors included representatives of transport, tourism, sustainability, infrastructure, arts, entertainment and community safety sectors, he said.
Cr McMullin believed the accord established a “new level of collaboration between Gee-long’s most influential leadership groups”.
“External images of Geelong need to be refreshed and we have to make ourselves ready for growth,” he said.
“The accord will help cement Geelong’s emergence as a national centre of innovation, lifestyle and tourism excellence.”
Cr McMullin encouraged other organisations to sign the accord. The document would go on display at City Hall.
Victorian Employers Chamber of Commerce and Industry chief executive officer Neil Coulson told the accord launch the agreement would help Geelong “move and respond positively with change”.