Double Take: Golf marathon, cyclist stones, Dazza and stogies

ANYONE still considering golf a leisure pursuit rather than a sport would have had their views radically changed had they been at 13th Beach course this week.
Human services agency Karingal turned the genteel pastime into a marathon as golfers tried to play 100 holes in one day for the Hundred Hole Hike, a fundraiser for Eastern Geelong Community Centre.
Golfers teed off at 5.45am and kept going until dusk, walking up to 80km and hitting up to 500 shots.
Sounds like a normal round for a few golfing acquaintances.

MOTORISTS, if not cyclists, would have laughed at a witty addition to a Bike Safe sign, pictured, on the Bellarine Hwy near Whittington recently.
The tag line’s been removed since Greg Wane snapped the picture but at least the wag responsible should know the joke would have hit home at the highest levels – Bike Safe boss Barton van Laar lives just down the road.
Hopefully Barton passed the sign with ease.

THE GREAT Ocean Road Coast Committee sent out its first newsletter for the year on 21 January, with a wealth of information and lots of requests for community feedback.
One of the items was the release of the Draft Coastal User Transport Strategy, concerning itself with the increasing transport and parking pressure on coastal communities, with an accompanying survey.
Good thing the survey was about transport because you had to be quick – the survey closed one day later, at midnight on 22 January.

WE’RE sure it’s not something Mayor Darryn Lyons would advocate, even if he sneaks the odd puff or two, but one of the statue lions out the front of his Western Beach home has taken up the durries.
Already garbed in a charming mauve crochetted vest thingy by a well-meaning anonymous benefactor, the feline sculpture has had a cigarette shoved in its gob by some wit.
Odd, but we’d have thought a thumping big Cuban Romeo y Julieta stogie might have been more appropriate.