Artist launches ‘Tiger Moth’ in city gallery

By Cherie Donnellan
FLYING in a Tiger Moth at the age of seven inspired artist Malcom Bywaters to create a life-size biplane sculpture.
“I grew up in Hamilton on a farm and one day a Tiger Moth plane landed in our top paddock. The plane owner took me on a flight around my farm.”
Mr Bywaters will showcase his replica Tiger Moth at Geelong Gallery’s House and Home exhibition, opening Saturday.
Four photographs of biplanes featuring in suburban settings accompany the model.
“The biplane itself has a lovely seductive, romantic and quite nostalgic feel about it,” Mr Bywaters explained.
“I wanted the photographs to be like windows into scenes of the plane, like memories.”
He spent more than 18 months to build the plywood and paper mache model, whose wingspan and length both measured four metres.