Uni’s collection on show

Deakin librarian Kristen Thornton inspects part of the exhibition. Picture: Greg Wane 92504

THE SOUTH Seas, the exotic East, the Dark Continent, the Frozen North … time was when discovery was all the rage and the mystery of the unknown the precursor to a golden age of travel.
Napoleon’s expeditions of exploration to Nouvelle Holland and the Pacific, pitches at the poles, voyages from Morocco to Japan – these and many other sojourns feature in a new expedition at Deakin’s Waterfront campus.
Travel and holidays might be ventures sorted on the internet these days but the Deakin University’s New Horizons: Journeys In The Special Collection is a colourful, albeit modest, peepshow of how the world embraced the unknown before throwing itself headlong to all corners of the globe.
The first exhibition to showcase books from the university’s Special Collection will be open at the campus’s Alfred Deakin Prime Ministerial Library.