A CHILDREN’S paradise is unveiled every week at Grovedale Community Centre – but not enough kids know it exists.
Paddington Toy Library is one of nine around the region, serving more than 1000 members.
Coordinator Jo Scott said the community-run, not-for-profit organisation provided quality – and often unaffordable – toys on loan to members.
“Members can be parents, grandparents and family day-care providers,” Jo explained.
“We want to encourage learning through play for children, especially those who might not be able to access quality toys.
“By providing a service to families at a small fee, children in disadvantaged situations have access to the same early learning resources as their peers,” Jo explained.
“Providing a diverse range of toys such as puzzles, games, dress-ups and popular party packs makes a child’s life exciting as they get to visit and borrow new toys each fortnight.
Jo said borrowing toys was more environmentally responsible because the equipment was always in use.
Jo said toy library members, their families and friends actively promoted the libraries with fund-raising activities.
“The Paddington Toy Library received generous support from Bunnings, which completed a shelf refit to the value of $1000, IKEA donated $500 worth of new toys and Vic Group Training organised a 12-month traineeship.”
Jo said MCG Signs was also helping out.
Successful promotion had enabled 40 per cent growth of Paddington Toy Library in the past two years, she said.
“With success comes the challenge of finding more space to accommodate the toys and better facilities for members to use.
“We’re seeking council support to include this in the new Children’s Services Hub scheduled to be built on the current site in Heyers Rd, Grovedale.”
The nine regional toy libraries are in Ocean Grove, Belmont, Geelong West, Leopold, Newtown, Torquay, Anglesea, Queenscliff and Portarlington, with another for Winchelsea is in the planning stages.
Jo said Paddington Toy Library was open 9.30am to 11am Wednesdays and Saturdays.
More information was available by phoning the library on 0468 693 795 or visiting its website at paddingtontoylibrary. org.au.