ALMOST 20 per cent of the region’s rubbish is recyclable, according to new research.
Barwon Regional Waste Management Group chair Cr Andy Richards said the group’s bin audits found that a significant amount of recyclables were still placed in household rubbish bins.
“Participation in recycling has increased significantly over recent years but there’s still more we can do to make a positive impact on the environment as well as reducing the costs of managing landfill sites,” he said.
Cr Richards urged householders to become familiar with recyclables and to recycle items from every room.
A Think Recycle pilot campaign in Geelong West, Bannockburn, Queenscliff and Jan Juc is seeking to reduce landfill and improve recycling.
Households in the campaign have a sticker on their bins as reminders to recycle correctly.
Geelong West’s Emm Trotter said her family were active recyclers but she was surprised to learn that plastic toys and metal saucepans could be recycled.
“We try to recycle everything we can. To be honest, it’s not that hard to do.”
Point Lonsdale’s Brooke Connor said teaching her children to recycle was part of the campaign.
“We have a divided bin inside and everybody knows what needs to go in each bin. Even three-year-old Billy and eight-year-old Cassidy are great recyclers.”
Surf Coast Shire resident Shanti Bock said sometimes knowing what to do with items like half-full jars of pasta was difficult.
“I know I should scrape them out and put them into the recycling bin instead of being lazy and just putting them in the rubbish.”