Double Take

Those boots might be made for walking but 300 pairs of free shoes are making a real impression in East Geelong.
The freebies were delivered to the students of Geelong East Primary School this week after it was chosen from a field of more than 800 schools as the winner of an initiative promoting the Walk to School campaign.
VicHealth and Bendigo Bank dealt out the footwear on Thursday morning, encouraging the kids to add their own decorations in support of the campaign.
Now that’s a big step for community health – and 300 household budgets!

A childhood spent in Corio battling a heart condition will culminate in a documentary with a difference at Melbourne Underground Film Festival this month.
Steve Williams’ Urine Aid explores the alleged therapeutic benefits of – blerk – drinking or bathing in wee.
Steve (pictured) says the documentary is a consequence of his interest in alternative therapies, which he developed after unfavourable experiences with traditional medicine as a kid.
Steve’s film interviews various people who claim the bizarre therapy’s efficacy in treating everything from cancer to ageing processes.
That’s a bit hard to, er, swallow, so did Steve do personal research and put the medicine where his mouth is?
“Yes,” he claims, “it would be very hypocritical to make a film about urine thereby and not try it myself.
“I pinched my nose and went straight for it. It was a little unpleasant with a salty flavour but, honestly, not as bad as you would think.”
Actually, we’d prefer not to think about it at all, thanks Steve.

Council election candidates have been busily spruiking their credentials as greater Geelong enters the final week of campaigning.
But one candidate has received a reputational leg-up from an unexpected quarter – Slovenia.
The additional feather in Eddy Kontelj’s campaign cap arrived this week when the country’s Australian embassy appointed him Honorary Consul for the Republic of Slovenia.
Not the usual OAM or footy club life membership, to be sure!
And it’s not just a trinket, either. The unusual gig comes with a new Geelong office, open after hours and on weekends, for Eddy to “foster and build healthy relationships and connections between Australia and Slovenia”.
So now he’s Honorary Consul for the Republic of Slovenia, managing director of Catepillar dealer Williams Adams, and soon possibly City of Greater Geelong councillor for Brownbill Ward.
Maybe he can use the side of a Caterpillar for his business card!