ORGANISING a rock concert is an unsual response to receiving a devastating diagnosis of motor neurone disease (MND).
But that’s just what Highton’s Jen Simko and husband Peter have done as a positive way of dealing with negative news.
“We love live music and concerts and this just grew from a small idea but we have had such great support,” Ms Simko said.
The National Disability Insurance Agency (NDIA) has organised a support worker for her for the entire evening as well as helping with equipment like neck and chin supports and a voice amplifier to overcome MND-related difficulties with speaking.
A former nurse with Barwon Health, Ms Simko said her medical background had helped her deal with the diagnosis.
But the random nature of the terminal disease without a known cause or cure is what the Simkos rail against the most.
And being positive in the face of such rare yet mindless selection was their best way of dealing with it, they believed.
“There’s no point moping, because you are just wasting time,” Ms Simko said simply.
“The positive way she has dealt with this has made it a lot easier on the rest of us,” Mr Simko affirmed.
“She worries more about others and not herself.”
Ironically, it has been the many acts of kindness Ms Simko has experienced since her diagnosis that have helped her remain positive.
The concert, Rock Off MND – A Night to Make a Difference, will be in the John Hay Courtyard at Deakin University’s Waterfront Campus from 7pm on 28 March.
The Simkos said the show would feature The Voice favourite Imogen Brough, up-and-coming band Revolution and long-standing tribute act Madhouse.
They said tickets cost $50 from rockoffmnd.com.au.