PRIME Minister Tony Abbott must clarify the future of Geelong’s NDIS headquarters – and its 300 jobs – in the face of growing concerns about its cost, according to the federal opposition.
Anxiety about the centre’s future has escalated in the wake of the Federal Government’s budgetary review and former Treasury secretary Ken Henry labelling the national disability insurance scheme unaffordable.
Shadow disability reform minister Jenny Macklin “absolutely” rejected Mr Henry’s claim during a visit to Geelong this week.
“The creation of 300 new jobs in Geelong is a great thing. These jobs must be created, and Tony Abbott should be doing more to give that assurance to the great people of Geelong,” shadow minister for disability reform Jenny Macklin told the Independent.
“Australia cannot afford to not deliver the NDIS. It is an essential economic reform.
“The Productivity Commission concluded in no uncertain terms that the economic benefits of the NDIS would outweigh its costs. Labor ensured the NDIS was fully funded into the future.
“Tony Abbott owes it to people with disability, their carers and families to be clear about this, too.”
A “launch centre” for the NDIS headquarters has been operating in Geelong’s Lt Malop St with some 100 staff. The headquarters will employ up to 300 jobs when the scheme is fully operational in five years.
The launch centre is set to move into Brougham St offices opposite the city’s TAC building about mid-year. The head office will accommodate national operations management, a chief executive officer and support and corporate services staff.
Labor Member for Corio Richard Marles told the Independent Geelong needed the Government “to come clean” on the scheme and “commit to making sure the NDIS is rolled out in Geelong”.
Mr Abbott must “make sure this Government doesn’t drop the ball on the 300 new jobs the NDIS will bring our region,” Mr Marles said.
“The Abbott Government must honour the NDIS. There are too many people with a disability, their carers and families relying on its roll out.”
Liberal Member for Corangamite Sarah Henderson was in Canberra unavailable for comment went to press. Her media spokesman was unable to comment.
Liberal Member for Corangamite Sarah Henderson accused Labor of misleading people of Geelong on the future of scheme.
“Labor is to be condemned for claiming the Federal Government is anything other than fully committed to the NDIS. We have supported the NDIS at every step of the way and we remain committed to rolling out the NDIS in full,” she said.
“It’s sad that Labor and Richard Marles have abandoned previous bipartisanship on the NDIS in an attempt to score cheap political points.
“The NDIS headquarters is an important part of Geelong’s future.”