Cops warn schoolies they’ll check private houses

EXTRA police patrols will be deployed across the Surf Coast in anticipation of a heavy influx of schoolies expected this weekend.

Hot on the police radar over the next week will be alcohol-fuelled violence and anti-social behaviour.

Police warned school-leavers that any criminal record they might earn during the holiday period will stay with them for life.

“A criminal record stays with you for life and will most certainly affect your career – don’t let a moment of stupidity influence the rest of your life,” community engagement inspector Lisa Hardeman said.

“We know that celebrating Schoolies Week is something these young people look forward to for a long time.”

Police will be visiting school leavers’ accommodation venues, including private houses, during Schoolies Week.

They warned school leavers to respect the communities they visited and to report any suspicious behaviour to Crime Stoppers on 1800 333 000.

“Preparation is the key to staying safe. Plan your day and night and plan a way back to your accommodation,” Insp Hardeman said.

“Ensure you’re always with a group of friends, people you can rely on and people who you know are looking out for you.

For further information about staying safe during ‘Schoolies Week’ and tips, including advice for parents, visit

The police response to Schoolies Week will be supported by local councils, Ambulance Victoria, Red Frogs Chaplaincy Network and Youth Support and Advocacy Service.