THERE could well be a bit of reminiscing at Kev’s Family Day at St Albans footy ground on Sunday.
After all, Kev is Kevin Boland, who ran the fondly remembered and sadly missed Kev’s Caravan, saviour of many a late-night reveller by provisioning hamburgers and other hot treats.
While Kev’s cafe de wheels has been supplanted by 24-hour takeaway chains, the man himself still gets a kick out of supplying good hearty fare at basic prices.
This time the money all goes to good causes. Kev’s Family Fun Day is a joint fundraising event for Gordon Student Support Fund and St Alban’s Football Club.
The student fund receives the day’s gate takings – a gold coin donation or $5 dollars per car – while the footy club gets the canteen and bar receipts.
Kev reckons the place should be packed on Sunday, being the start of the school holidays.
“All the attractions are free,” Kev emphasised.
“There’s a giant slide, jumping castle, face painting, free lollipops and balloons for the kids, a puppeteer and music by Sorry Nation.
“We also do a show ‘n’ shine for best car and best bike, which is a people’s choice vote.
“The beauty of this day is all the food and drinks are at football club prices and excellent value for the whole family and the raffle has prizes donated by generous sponsors.”
Kev and the late Errnie Speight established the student support fund after they, along with hundreds of others, were made redundant when International Harvester closed down in 1987.
They used the $1600 left over in a union shop steward account to set up the fund, which now helps financially struggling students through their TAFE educations.
The family day kicks off around 10am.