Each year on Australia Day Australians come together to celebrate living and being part of this multicultural nation, expanding and thriving on accepting people of all different races, cultures and backgrounds.
However, this year I ask readers to look at multiculturalism from a different angle.
While multiculturalism describes the values and beliefs we hold close, the term can be divisive in nature. Multiculturalism recognises the differences in background, skin colour and lifestyle and asks us to accept them.
Instead of multiculturalism, a term which focuses on the differences of our country and our people, I implore readers to focus more on common humanity.
We all have it but no one celebrates what we have in common, instead focussing on our differences.
The key to acceptance and harmony is both – finding similarities and accepting differences.
Neither is more important and having one without the other creates imbalances that grow into feelings of being disconnected, unwelcome and isolated.
Our country is diverse, which we should celebrate, but we should celebrate not just the diversity of our friends, family and neighbours. We should celebrate our common humanity.
Australia Day is a time to focus on our common humanity but we need to continue to adopt this approach in our everyday lives.
Australia will continue to develop, its people becoming more diverse and its cultures intertwining.
It’s up to us to develop with it.
Father Chris Riley
Youth off the Streets chief executive officer