This year’s confluence of the birthdays of Islam’s Prophet Mohammad and Christianity’s Jesus Christ served as a powerful symbol of unity, according to the imam of the Geelong mosque, Shaykh Mohammad Ramzan.
Shaykh Ramzan said Mohammad’s birthday on 24 December and the traditional date of Christ’s birthday on 25 December was a timely symbol.
“In these difficult times it is amazing how the date of birth of both figures has come so close to each other so our communities can come closer to each other also,” he said.
Shaykh Ramzan said many Muslims also participated in the festive season, decorating their homes, giving and receiving gifts, attending gatherings and conducting social activities.
The imam said he also wished the Geelong community a merry Christmas from all members of the Islamic community.
Shaykh Ramzan said he recently hosted a visit to the Geelong mosque by federal members of parliament Richard Marles and Sarah Henderson.
“I invited them to visit to show solidarity and demonstrate that we as human beings are one and stand with each other to fight any kind of terrorism or atrocity committed against humanity.”
Shaykh Ramzan said such visits were well received by the local Muslim community, especially in such difficult times.
“By standing together and inviting Geelong’s leaders to visit the mosque the Islamic community wants to show that it is also accepting and welcoming.
“We want to show that Muslims believe in peace and tolerance and love Australian values as Australian Muslims.
“Our mosque doors are open anytime to anyone who wants to know anything about the mosque or Islam.”
Mr Marles said Australia was a proudly multicultural nation.
“Australia has been greatly enriched by the social and economic contribution of people from all faiths and nations on earth,” Mr Marles said.
“The Islamic community in Geelong is very much a part of our rich multiculturalism and it is important we recognise and celebrate this.”
Mr Marles said all community leaders and members of parliament had a responsibility to work to foster social cohesion and mutual respect.
“Too often we have seen members of parliament seek to divide and damage our social cohesion with inflammatory and offensive remarks,” Mr Marles said.
“It is the responsibility of all community leaders to work together to foster unity and respect, not seek to divide Australians against Australians.”
Ms Henderson said the visit to the Geelong Mosque was an important opportunity to thank members of the Islamic Society of Geelong for their leadership and commitment to a peaceful society.
“I thank Shaykh Mohammad Ramzan for doing so much to promote peace and harmony in our community.”