TRAINING in three sports for triathlons creates a constant challenge for champion Geelong triathlete Peter Kerr.
The Australian under-23 national team representative and Geelong Multisport Festival’s Superkidz Triathlon ambassador said the sport was a personal battle as well as a competition.
“It’s a good feeling to come across the line and no matter where you are in the race – most people always have a personal time they’re trying to beat.” Kerr said.
The Independent’s Superkidz Triathlon on February 9 would offer a great opportunity for children aged between seven and 13 to get involved in the sport, he said.
The event will be part of a third annual Geelong Multisport Festival from February 8 to 10.
“I started doing triathlons when I was back in school. The more I improved at it the more I enjoyed it and before I knew it, it became a passion,” Kerr said.
Kerr’s persistent training regime, often three sessions daily, recently earned him victory at a Noosa triathlon.
Superkidz Triathlon competitors aged seven to 10 will complete a 100m swim, a 3km cycle and a 500m run.
Entrants aged 11 to 13 will complete a slightly longer course comprising a 200m swim, a 5km cycle and a 1km run.
Kerr encouraged children to start training.
“The easiest thing is to get out for a run, riding to school’s always good and during summer there’s no reason you can’t get down to the beach for a swim. Before you know it you can easily achieve a triathlon.”
Superkidz Triathlon entries are open online at geelonmultisport.com.au, by phoning 8698 2000 or emailing multisport@usmevents.com.au.