Double Take

Maddi Robinson

Geelong netball star Maddi Robinson must have been miffed to find herself the unwitting face, and voice, of a local media outfit’s self-promotion this week.
Maddi had actually intended to promote a fundraiser for a local primary school where she arrived with the understanding that media coverage for said purpose had been arranged.
Imagine her surprise the next day to discover herself in a story talking up the paper without any mention of the school.
To add insult to injury, she was also described Maddi as a “Melbourne Vixens star”. Err, she left the Vixens in September to play for Collingwood’s new team in 2017.
Apparently she was quickly on the blower to express her dismay.
That’s what happens when you foul a straight-shooter!

Speaking of Collingwood, maybe Eddie and the boys should consider recruiting Geelong’s council administrators for the Pies’ AFL team.
After all, they certainly showed deft handball technique this week when dealing with the vexed issue of Geelong’s crumbling saleyards.
Readers might be aware the yards have been closed to stock sales in recent months amid safety concerns, much to the consternation of local farmers.
The administrators held a series of consultations on the yards’ future, noting that repairs could cost $1 million – right as they were trying to pay off many millions more in council debt.
The future looked bleak for the saleyards, especially with the previous council putting a $5 million sell-off value on the site.
However, the administrators seem to have reacted to strong public backing for the yards, announcing on Wednesday a $400,000 “interim” fix to reopen the yards.
A strategy would still have to be developed for the saleyards’ long-term future, the administrators said, but it would take “at least” a few years.
Which means the ultimate decision will be up to Geelong’s next council, not the administrators.
Truly a handpass worthy of Scott Pendlebury!

Blame it on the rain, sang awful ’80s duo Milli Vanilli – and so is VicRoads in the 2000-and-teens.
The roads authority this week put out a statement warning motorists of further pothole menace to come in the wake of “Victoria’s soggiest September in 100 years”.
And didn’t the culprit cop a name-and-shaming, lest anyone blame those responsible for our roads.
The statement cited “flash-flooding”, “peak flooding, “one-in-100-year weather event”, “wettest September ever recorded”, “extensive, prolonged flooding”, “flood warnings almost every day”, “six months of record rainfalls”, “widespread flooding” et cetera, et cetera.
Right, OK, we’ve got it, the rain’s to blame.
Now fix the bloody potholes!