VICROADS is ignoring potholes across Geelong, leaving City Hall bearing the brunt of community ire, says Lara councillor Tony Ansett.
Key roads in and out of the town are littered with dozens of untended potholes, damaging cars and threatening driver safety, he told the Independent.
“The exit under the Corio overpass, running along the railway line. It must have at least 50 potholes,” he said.
“VicRoads promised to have them repaired by July but they haven’t been touched.
“Avalon Rd, coming into Lara from Melbourne, has about 40 huge holes on the turnoff. They’re everywhere.”
Cr Ansett blamed speeding trucks, including B-doubles, for the damage to Avalon Rd.
He call for new speed restrictions to prevent damage.
“They come flying along and need some measures to slow them down. They drive straight over the top of the roundabout without even slowing down, it’s pretty bad I tell you.
“It’s already damaged cars, I’ve had complaints. Any commuter who comes home to Lara from Melbourne faces this.
“It’s unbelievable that Vicroads could just let it go. I’ve been trying to get something done for more than eight months now.
“They promised me by July and I was pacing August but I thought I’d give them a go but then it became two months and now it’s October. We’ve sent them requests via council but nothing’s been done.”
Vicroads regional director Will Tieppo said the roads authority regularly inspected the arterial network and carried out ongoing maintenance to ensure safety.
“During the winter months maintenance crews can generally only apply temporary repairs to the road, which enable us to keep the road open to traffic. Most permanent treatments can only be done during summer when weather conditions improve,” Mr Tieppo said.
“Vicroads is aware of the section of Forest Rd under the Corio overpass, which requires repairs. We will repair this section of the road in early 2015 as part of our maintenance program.
“Signs are in place warning motorists of the approaching rough surface.”
Mr Tieppo said Vicroads inspected the Avalon Rad exit into Lara on Wednesday.
“Some of the top layer of asphalt has come away in a small section, which requires minor patching works. These works will be completed in coming weeks.
“VicRoads will continue to monitor these sites until works occur.”
Mr Tieppo said Vicroads encouraged reports of incidents or road hazards on 13 11 70.