By John Van Klaveren
VICROADS has begun a study into the feasibility of linking Geelong’s ring road to the Bellarine Peninsula, Mayor John Mitchell has revealed.
Cr Mitchell said VicRoads would spend $300,000 on the study.
“We’ve spoken to VicRoads and regional parliamentarians about it (the peninsula link) and it’s still one of our priorities.
“We know there’s a way to go with that but it’s the missing piece of the region’s infrastructure.”
VicRoads this week announced two community information sessions on the ring road’s 4C Surf Coast Hwy extension.
A VicRoads’ spokesperson said 4C had no allowance for a connection to the peninsula.
But Cr Mitchell said the peninsula extension was firmly on council’s agenda.
“I’d be surprised if the design couldn’t have extensions added to it. The ring road itself has already had three extensions that weren’t in the original plans.”
South Barwon MP Andrew Katos said the peninsula link alignment would be finalised after completion of a structure plan for the Horseshoe Bend Rd area.
“Until the alignment is finalised it’s hard to plan for the road but it will be an arterial, including several sets of lights.
“It will never be a freeway to the Bellarine.”
The VicRoads’ spokesperson said the information sessions would focus “purely” on 4C.
The information sessions would not cover noise attenuation, a major concern of Grovedale and Waurn Ponds residents who opposed the route of 4C.
“Noise modelling has not yet been done,” the spokesperson said.
“Once the modelling has been completed we will determine what is required.”
South Grovedale Community Action Group coordinator Mag-arita Kumnick said members had met VicRoads on the noise issue.
“We want to ensure the whole length of Section 4C has a proper noise wall,” Ms Kumnick said.
“The noise wall should be two metres high on a two-metre high earth berm and the road surface should be appropriate for residential areas.”
Construction of section 4C will commence in 2013, with completion expected for 2015.
The information sessions will be at Grovedale Community Centre from 12.30pm to 3pm and from 4pm to 7pm at Mt Duneed Hall on August 9.