Colliding in Geelong

Collision course: Children Collide’s Heath Crawley and Johnny Mackay.Collision course: Children Collide’s Heath Crawley and Johnny Mackay.

By Cherie Donnellan
JOHNNY Mackay’s housemate once scrawled ‘children collide’ on a household bill.
The words then became the name of his band when Mackay penned them onto Children Collide’s first bill, a Halloween party.
Mackay revealed to the Independent that the housemate was also his bandmate, bassist Heath Crawley.
“It just sounded like a good band name when I read it, so we used it.”
Speaking to the Independent from New York, the Children Collide singer and guitarist said he was eager to play songs from new album Monument on the band’s upcoming Australian tour.
“We’ll be doing a lot of new stuff on tour, so I’m excited to come home and play.”
Children Collide underwent dramatic changes in 2012, with Mackay moving to America after drummer Ryan Caesar left the band.
Mackay said he “needed” the change to his new Brooklyn home but remained committed to the band.
“I’ve just chosen to live here for a bit, that’s all.”
Caesar’s departure was “amicable”, Mackay wanted to assure fans.
“Our relationship was kind of like a marriage and we had to end it. We shouldn’t have been in a creative relationship but Ryan’s a great dude and a fantastic drummer.”
Mackay joked he and Crawley were “dating” replacement drummer Mitch McGregor but could not confirm whether he would become a permanent member after the tour.
“We’ll have to see how he feels and how we feel during the tour before we get engaged,” Mackay laughed.
“We’ve known Mitch for a year and it felt good to jam with him, so we’ll see what happens.”
Mackay was “most proud” of Monument.
“It’s groove-based, an area of music I love listening to.”
Artist Isobel Knowles designed the cover art, depicting a three-dimensional felt sculpture.
Mackay was enamoured with her work.
“No one can tell it’s made out of felt,” he said.
“It’s really cool. It’s a really strong image.”
Mackay joked about making a memorable entrance at the band’s Geelong show at The Bended Elbow on September 8.
“I’m actually going to come in from a flying fox, then I’ll leave the stage via the same flying fox.
“Don’t know how, but I’ll work it out.”