Kontelj, Richards clash over Benz

Cr Andy Richards


GEELONG councillor Andy Richards’ claim that his loaned Mercedes is a gift worth less than $500 should be probed by the Local Government Inspectorate, according to a colleague.
Geelong Gallery boss Terry Wills Cooke lent the vehicle to Cr Richards after he crashed his own car. Cr Richards later voted with other councillors to give the gallery $100,000.
Cr Stretch Kontelj challenged Cr Richards’ claim that his use of the Mercedes was worth less than a $500 declaration threshold in the council’s gifts and hospitality policy.
Cr Kontelj wanted “clarity” to ensure Cr Richards’ gallery vote was not a conflict of interest.
“A number of residents have queried how you can value the use of a Mercedes for months on end at less than $500 to hire when even rent-a-bomb costs a minimum of $30 a day,” Cr Kontelj said.
Cr Richards rejected Cr Kontelj’s claims.
“I voluntarily declared the gift under the council’s gifts policy some time ago and there’s no conflict of interest in regard to any matter before council,” he said.
“The council CEO, council officers and myself have been very clear on complying with the Local Government Act, so the only need for clarity is in regard to whether Cr Kontelj…is just confused.”
Cr Richards said Cr Kontelj should consider “retiring and giving someone more acquainted with basic facts a go”.