Take charge of energy: expert

Andrew Thaler.

By John Van Klaveren

A RENEWABLE energy entrepreneur believes Geelong can take charge of its power future and replace lost manufacturing jobs into the bargain.
Andrew Thaler said the region needed to take responsibility for its renewable energy sector instead of waiting for government rebates or subsidies.
Mr Thaler will be in Geelong on Wednesday to share his experience in forging ahead on renewable energy by buying the rundown Singleton Solar Farm.
“Geelong is going through what other regions have experienced, the vaporisation of mass manufacturing and it is not something easily replaced.” he said.
“So regions have to be careful about where they invest because there are a lot of white elephants out there.
“It is a tricky one to try and recover that inertia. It’s part of the process we are all going through, we are all facing the question of what do we do now?
“But it’s no good keeping s**t industries going. These are the questions around the Anglesea power station as well.
“The King Island wind farm is not happening, but that doesn’t mean it is dead. It can be resurrected, because it is feasible.
“If you take the emotion and politics out of the equation, you find there are things you can do as a community.
“For instance, community solar can be done anywhere. It’s not limited by geography and it has to be part of the energy mix.”
The Nimmitabel, southern NSW, farmer, electrical engineer and scrap metal recycler said he planned to repair and expand the 2.75-hectare solar farm and another photo-voltaic array in Sydney.
“Both sites require significant investment. I am also planning to construct a third Solar PV farm on our land with both a commercial section and larger community participation section.
“To me, this is not just about making money from solar. It is addressing the future for my kids with the means I have available now.”
Mr Thaler will be joined by co-founder of Energy for the People, Alex Houlston and former director of community-owned Hepburn Wind Martin May on 23 July for the Geelong Sustainability Group networking event. Details are at geelongsustainability.org.au.