
BOUQUETS to gay marriage supporters (Buckets & Bouquets, 3 May). I too have fought intolerance and need support because I love fish and want to marry one.
Equal Rights For Fish Lovers, Lara

BOUQUETS to John (Buckets & Bouquets, 10 May) for supporting me, Living Faith (Buckets & Bouquets, 26 April). Yes, many of the responses to me were proof we are in the “last of days”. God loves mankind but hates our sins. Satan wants to make us suffer.
Living Faith, Marshall

BUCKETS to stupid vandals who repeatedly vandalise and remove optional dress signs at the legal nude area at Southside Beach. You know who you are. If I catch you I will fix you up.
Very Angry, Hamlyn Heights

BOUQUETS to a man who stopped his truck at traffic lights and ran across a road to help a man struggling to get his gopher up onto a footpath. The truckie then ran back and was ready to go when the lights changed. I suspect he does many good deeds.
Observer, Grovedale

BOUQUETS to Beacon Lighting’s Jo and Kristina for their expert knowledge and friendly courtesy when explaining requirements for saving lighting energy. Well done, ladies. We will be back.
Ian and Joy, Bell Post Hill

BOUQUETS to Harvey Norman Waurn Ponds electrical staff for allowing us to exchange for another model a product we rushed into buying. Their empathy for our situation is appreciated.
Miele For A Dyson, Bell Park

BOUQUETS to an honest man who handed in to The Shaver Shop a new shaver I had just bought. I’d left it on a car parking ticket machine. Bouquets also to Sharon at The Shaver Shop for phoning me immediately and for her honest, knowledgeable advice about my purchase.
Happy Shopper, Ocean Grove

BOUQUETS to Wes for his generous gift to replace my lost sunnies (Buckets & Bouquets, 26 April) . I love the new pair. Wes proved good people are still in the world. Bouquets also to Tony at the Independent.
Thankful, Newtown

BOUQUETS to everyone who came to the assistance of an elderly gentleman after he backed into a shop window last week.
Grateful Grandchildren and Great-grandchildren, Herne Hill

BUCKETS to a lady for her lack of concern after one of her dogs bit my three-year-old at Gateway Plaza Leopold on Saturday. Your apology was insincere and you did not ask whether my daughter was okay. May karma bite you back.
Keep Dogs At Home, Leopold