Coast kids’ colourful imaginations

YOUNG AT ART: Thor and Kiera display some of their masterpieces. (Lousia Jones) 165115

Two six-year-olds have painted a bright future for themselves as arts prodigies.
Torquay’s Thor Van Haelen and Ocean Grove’s Kiera Charleston both scored a gold medal for reaching their age-group finals at a Young Australian Art Awards.
Thor tells the latest edition of Geelong Coast Kids magazine that he likes to use his imagination.
“I like animals and stuff that isn’t real. I like making stuff up – and squirrels.”
Keira’s inspiration is more down-to-earth – and sometimes up in the air.
“I like to paint birds because they’re beautiful and they feed their babies.”
Both young talents and lots of other local faces, issues and activities feature in the autumn edition of Geelong Coast Kids, available free at hundreds of pick-up points around the region.