Trawler condemned for catching whale shark

BIG CATCH: Geelong Star should be banned for catching a whale shark, environmental groups say.

Controversial super trawler Geelong Star has outraged conservation groups after a whale shark became entangled in its net on its latest fishing expedition.
The Australian Stop the Trawler Alliance says the incident was “the last straw” and called for the factory freezer trawler to be banned once and for all.
Alliance spokesperson Rebecca Hubbard said catching “a majestic, vulnerable whale shark” must be the last straw for the trawler’s operations in Australia.
“Whoever industry and Australian Fisheries Management Authority (AFMA) thought it could fool before, the game is up.
“Our marine life, our tourism industries and our fishing are too valuable to risk for these destructive operators.”
AFMA has admitted that a whale shark was caught but claims it was freed and swam away freely.
But the Alliance says it has claims on Facebook – apparently from crewmembers – suggesting the net had to be cut, after which the whale shark sank to the bottom dead.
“The catching of a whale shark is abhorrent and unacceptable, even more so because it comes on top of revelations of more seal deaths in the most recent fishing trip, the death of 7 albatrosses last trip and the deaths of dolphins and seals in previous trips
“The catching of this whale shark will bring international criticism of Australia’s fishing industry and must signal the final end for foreign freezer factory trawlers in our waters.
“If the catching of a whale shark by the Geelong Star is not the death knell for this monster trawler, then it must be asked: who is the Turnbull Government representing?
“Only a ban on all freezer factory trawlers in the Small Pelagic Fishery will end this environmental, social and economic fiasco,” Ms Hubbard said.