VOLUNTEERS – Portarlington Bayside Miniature Railway seeks volunteers. Enquiries 0476 124 598.
WRITERS – Queenscliffe Neighbourhood House Rip Writers Group seek members. Meets 12.30-3pm second Tuesday monthly at Queenscliffe Neighbourhood House. Includes barbecue lunch. Enquiries 5258 3367, dmain6@bigpond.com.
APPEAL – Volunteers wanted to help in Geelong, Bellarine Peninsula and Surf Coast schools. Enquiries 1800 668 550, edconnectaustralia.org.au.
BREASTSCREEN – Free appointments for 10-minute screening available, BreastScreen, 78 Gheringhap St, Geelong. Bookings 132 050, breastscreen.org.au.
AA – Alcoholics Anonymous invites enquiries about its service and support on 5229 1710.
U3A – Surf Coast U3A runs 15 various weekly classes and occasional talks. Enquiries 0419 578 598.
ART – Wildlife Art Society of Australia exhibition By the Water, Tuesdays to Fridays 11am-3pm, weekends 1-4pm until 19 November at Geelong Art Society Gallery, 202 Aberdeen St, Geelong West. Enquiries 0412 104 825.
DANCE – Ballroom dancing to Ben Constanzo 8-11.30pm at Leopold Hall, 805-809 Bellarine Hwy, Leopold. Cost $8 includes supper. Enquiries 0400 500 402.
BALLROOM – Geelong Ballroom Dance Club dances to Ann Marie 8-11pm at The Ballroom, Carey St, Hamlyn Heights. Cost $10. Bring a plate. Enquiries 0413 048 301.
MUSIC – Traditional Old Style Country Music, 1-5.30pm with Ian Perry, Jim Webster and Terry Ferguson at Central Bowling Club, 115 Wilsons St, Colac.
MARKET – Torquay Cowrie Market 10am-3pm. Enquiries cowriemarket@yahoo.com.au.
SCOUT – Geelong Scout Heritage Centre meets 10am-3pm at 56 Russell St, Newtown. Enquiries 0419 591 432.
RAIL – Miniature railway 11am-4pm at Portalington Bayside Family Park, Pt Richards Rd, Portarlington. Enquires 0476 124 598.
WORSHIP – Cafe church worship 5-6.30pm at St Stephen’s Anglican Church, Regent St, Belmont. Enquiries 5243 2557.
CHURCH – Messy Church with craft, Bible stories, singing, prayers 10am at St Stephen’s Church, Regent St, Belmont. Enquiries 5243 2557.
BAPTIST – Anglesea Baptist Church service 10.45am at Murch Cres, Anglesea. Enquiries 5263 2744.
PROBUS – Combined Probus Club of Geelong East meets for the club’s 17th birthday lunch 11.30am at Leopold Sportsman Club, Kensington Rd. Visitors welcome. Enquiries 5248 6690.
SPEAKING – Geelong Rostrum Club practices public speaking 6.45pm upstairs at St George Workers Club, 212 Pakington St, Geelong West. Enquiries 5243 7765.
CLUB – Geelong Evening VIEW Club dinner meeting 6.30-7pm at Waurn Ponds Hotel, Princes Hwy, Waurn Ponds. Bookings essential. Visitors welcome. Enquiries 0403 778 178.
BOWLS – Indoor carpet bowls 1-4pm at Portarlington. Cost $3. Enquiries 5259 2290.
HEARING – Better Hearing Support Group meets at Geelong West Senior Citizens Community Centre, 89 Autumn St, Geelong West. Enquiries 5278 8300.
SENIORS – Line dancing 9am-noon at Highton Senior Citizens Club, 84 Barrabool Rd. Also Tuesday, Friday. Carpet bowls 1.15pm Tuesday, Wednesday, Saturday. Tai chi 9.30-10am, bingo 1.15pm Friday. Enquiries 5244 2258.
LOUNGE – Village Listening Lounge opens 11am-3pm on first floor, Corio Central, Bacchus Marsh Rd, Corio. Also Tuesday-Thursday. Enquiries 5275 5807.
DANCE – Geelong Dancers Club square dance class for children and parents 6.30-8pm at 33 Myers St, Geelong. Cost $5. Mainstream dancers 8-10.30pm. Cost $12. Enquiries 0435 091 277.
MUSIC – Mainly Music program for carers and babies, pre-schoolers 10-11am at St Albans Uniting Church, 276 Wilsons Rd, St Albans Park. Cost $2.50 per family. Enquiries 0447 646 364, 0417 252 832.
DANCING – Scottish Country Dancing 7.30-10pm at Leopold Hall. Cost $5 includes supper. Enquiries 5250 5540.
BALLROOM – Dancer’s Club Geelong ballroom dance including old-time, new vogue and Latin 7.30-10.30pm at Leopold Public Hall, Queenscliff Rd. Cost $5. Enquiries 5250 1937 or 5278 7720.
ALCOHOLICS – Alcoholics for Christ 12-step program 7.30pm at South Barwon Salvation Army, 176-180 Francis St, Belmont. Enquiries 0420 910 763.
YOGA – Free Sahaja yoga meditation lessons 7-8pm at Vines Road Community Centre. Enquiries 0430 536 280 or sahajayoga.com.au.
PLANT – Plant sale 10am-3pm at The Heights, 140 Aphrasia St, Newtown. Proceeds to Heights gardens.
DANCE – West Coast Seekers Club dances to Barry Lynch 8-11pm at The Ballroom, Hamlyn Heights. Enquiries 5243 8603.
DANCING – Life Activities Club dance 2.30-4.30pm at Belmont Pavilion, Barrabool Rd, Belmont. Entry $5. Enquiries 5251 3529.
HELP – GROW meets to help depressed, lonely, isolated, anxious 7pm at 284 Latrobe Tce, Newtown. Also Friday 12.30pm at Vines Rd Community Centre, Hamlyn Heights. Enquiries 1800 558 268.
CHESS – Geelong Chess Club meets 7pm at 33 Myer St, Geelong. Enquiries geelongchess.com.au.
PHILOSOPHY – Philosophy discussion group 10.30am-12.30pm at Community Centre, Price St, Torquay and 2-4.30pm at Italo’s, Gilbert St, Torquay. Enquiries 5264 7484.
EXHIBITION – Art on Time exhibition and sale of art and clocks 6.30pm at 81 Bailey St, Belmont. Also Saturday and Sunday 10am-6pm. Entry by gold coin. Proceeds to Andrew Love Cancer Centre. Enquiries 5243 3825.
BOOKS – Grovedale Uniting Care book sale 10am-2pm at corner Torquay and Reserve Rds, Grovedale. Proceeds to Uniting Care Barwon.
EXHIBITION – Geelong Patchwork and Quilters’ Guild quilt exhibition opens10.30am at Deakin Waterfront Campus, 1 Gheringhap St, Geelong. Continues Saturday and Sunday 10am-4.30pm. Entry $10.
MUSIC – Bellarine Country Music Group meets 6pm at the Belmont Pavilion, 162 Barrabool Rd, Belmont. Enquiries bellarinecountrymusicgroup.com.
COMMUNITY – Lara Community Drop In Centre 6-8pm at Lara Uniting Church, 1 Flinders Ave. Refreshments provided.
The Geelong Indy’s Community Calendar is a free service for not-for-profit community organisations. Entries appearing under specific days are printed the week of the event only. Deadline for submission is the Friday before the intended date of publication. Please keep submissions short, simple and include the day, date, time, location and a contact phone number. Emails without attachments are preferred. Email editorial@geelongindependent.com.au, phone 5249 6700 or fax 5249 6799.