AUTHORITIES have yet to consult the region’s only facility with a motor sports permit about plans for a $250 million race track at Avalon, according to a spokesperson.
Geelong Motor Sport Committee president Graham Harrison said Confederation of Australian Motor Sport (CAMS) had not contacted his organisation.
The committee runs Geelong Motor Sport Complex off Beach Rd, Avalon.
The Independent reported in October that grassroots motor sports clubs feared plans for a large corporate facility would squeeze them out of Avalon.
Mr Harrison said CAMS representatives visited the complex two weeks ago for a track inspection.
“My understanding is that State Government does not have funding available for motor sports. A similar previous proposal didn’t happen two or three years ago, so anything like this relies on State Government input.
“There have been some proposals put to us in the past but we have no intention of giving up the land title or motor sports permit. Where we are now is great because we have our permit and there’s no housing around us.”
Western District Car Club vice president Adrian Johns said a commercially based motor sports complex would affect the financial viability of the existing club-based track.
“This type of proposal will affect us more than others and will affect our income,” he said.
“We hope CAMS will enable this to be kept at club level. We’d like the opportunity to have input into something like this.”
CAMS had not returned the Independent’s call for comment before the paper went to press.