Safety ‘sanitising’ our playgrounds

AUSTRALIAN Safety Standards have “sanitised” Geelong’s playgrounds, according to a councillor.
Andy Richards said council playground upgrades during the past 10 years had focussed on safety compliance.
“While this has been necessary for safety reasons, the outcome has been a sanitisation of playgrounds,” he said.
“(This has led) to a similar play experience being offered at play spaces throughout the municipality.”
Geelong council announced a Geelong play strategy to provide fun and challenging outdoor spaces for children.
Cr Richards said the quality and variety of play spaces would improve under the strategy.
Acting Mayor Cameron Granger said the strategy would promote play as an essential part of children’s development, health, wellbeing and social interaction.
“The play strategy will ensure there is an equitable distribution of quality playgrounds across the municipality,” Cr Granger said.
“It will enable Council to identify gaps in the current playground provision and to address (them).”
Cr Granger said council would assume increased responsibility for maintenance and upgrades of play spaces.
City of Greater Geelong has one of Victoria’s largest stocks of children’s play spaces. The municipality has 276 play spaces and 62 supervised early childhood outdoor areas.