Record gift donations are set to extend Christmas cheer among disadvantaged local families this year, according to a welfare agency.
Bethany’s Giving Tree Appeal was this week on the verge of smashing its record haul of 7300 gifts in 2017 with three days remaining, said chief executive officer Grant Boyd.
Appeal organisers had already counted more than 7000 donations “with more gifts arriving each day”, Mr Boyd said.
“Every day more donations are arriving by the carload, so we’re expecting to exceed the total number of gifts received last year by quite a margin.”
Mr Boyd was looking forward to the appeal brightening Christmas for more families than ever this year.
“While Christmas can be a time of joy and happiness, for many people across the greater Geelong area and south-west Victoria it can be a difficult and stressful period,” he said.
Geelong Harley Owners Group again made a major contribution to the appeal, with members delivering an estimated 1100 donations from their 25th annual Toy Run last Sunday.
Bethany Wishing Tree Appeal donations closed after the Indy went to press.
Last year the appeal received an estimated 7300 gifts for local families in need, Bethany said.
Close to 100 businesses hosted the 2017 appeal’s giving trees, under which donors could place gifts for Bethany and other participating agencies to distribute among “local families doing it tough”.
The participating agencies are: Bethany Community Support; Bethany Kindergarten Services; SalvoConnect; The Sexual Assault and Family Violence Centre; GenU; Barwon Child, Youth and Family; Diversitat; Wathaurong Aboriginal Co-operative; and MacKillop Family Services.
Mark Hyland, content director of appeal naming rights sponsor Bay 93.9FM, praised the community’s “amazing” generosity.
He also congratulated Bethany for its annual work on the appeal.
“A lot of work goes on behind the scenes at Bethany and that should not go unrecognised,” Mr Hyland said.
Bethany Community Services describes itself as an independent, not-for-profit organisation providing welfare throughout the Geelong region and parts of south-west Victoria.