Education Week: Bell Park school sets standards

Bell Park North Primary School stays atop latest teaching and technology trends.

BELL Park North Primary School strongly believes that effective teaching and learning is essential to the ongoing development of children to prepare them for their futures.
The teaching and learning philosophy of all staff is aligned to the specific needs of each student, using multi-disciplinary approaches and preferred learning styles that reflect current and technological trends.
The school’s enthusiastic and dedicated teachers and support staff are committed to maintaining best practices to achieve the best-possible learning outcomes.
Academic rigour and excellence is instilled in students by setting high expectations and delivering all learning experiences at a high standard. This encourages students to develop into self-disciplined, self-regulated, knowledgeable and independent learners.
Bell Park North has risen to the challenge of staying abreast of technological trends to maintain a whole-school focus on ICT as a curriculum tool within the classroom to support students’ learning.
The school maintains a strong focus on continual improvement in literacy and numeracy, with 2014 NAPLAN results showing above-state-mean results for both between grades three and five.
Positive school-based programs and learning and leadership opportunities assist students in becoming resilient and effective team members who are able to integrate and deal with all situations.
Bell Park North is a KidsMatter and Healthy Achievement School, supporting the mental and physical health and wellbeing of all in the school community.
Bell Park North applauds the commitment and dedication of every member of the school community, whose dedication, hard work and support have developed a successful learning environment.