City Hall gives equality lessons at Geelong forum

EQUITY GUIDANCE: Geelong MP Christine Couzens and journalist Gina McColl. (Rebecca Hosking) 177687

Geelong council held a gender equality forum on Wednesday, instructing local organisations on how to provide a more equitable workplace.
Guest speakers Gina McColl, a journalist who won a Walkley Foundation award for her article on gendered violence, and Pricewaterhouse Coopers’ Amanda Green spoke to the crowd about their work in the field.
Ms McColl’s two-month investigation revealed sexual harassment in the workplace was a daily occurrence for women across a wide range of industries.
Scott Holmes spoke on behalf of Our Watch, an Australia-wide group which aims to end violence against women and children.
The Geelong Library was fully booked out for the forum, according to Council chief executive officer Kelvin Spiller.
“With the fantastic collection of guest speakers and with the importance of gender equity to all workplaces it’s no surprise,” he said.
The forum was the first collaboration on the issue between the City and The Sexual Assault and Family Violence Centre.
The centre’s chief executive officer Helen Bolton said the forum brought the “latest thinking, evidence and practical ideas to people who are keen to make changes within their organisations to increase gender equity.”
The forum discussed how gender equality impacts workplace productivity and provided guidance in bringing equity practices into workplace culture, according to a City statement.
Other speakers included Deakin University Vice Chancellor Jane den Hollander and Geelong MP Christine Couzens.
The forum addressed “a cross section of Geelong’s large and small organisations, government and educational institutions”, the City Hall statement said.