Learn it or leave it

The proposed changes to the Australian Citizenship test are long overdue and should enjoy broad bipartisan political support.
Shallow or general questions should be replaced by those of a more practical nature which would, hopefully, help identify those who are unwilling or incapable of making a speedy contribution to their adopted country.
Inadequate English-speaking skills should rule out the grant of citizenship as should a lack of the qualifications or skills required in this country to secure employment in the short to medium-term.
It has always surprised me that many of those applying to settle in this country have spent months, even years, in United Nations refugee camps but have made little or no effort to learn the language of their target country.
It’s not a good look and one that suggests the objective of many in applying for access to Australia might not be based on making a productive contribution to this country but on permanently living off the most generous social welfare benefits available in the Southern Hemisphere.
Michael J Gamble,