AN ELITE Geelong girl’s junior soccer club received more than 70 expressions of interest only days after formation.
Geelong Galaxy Girls secretary Tatiana Atkinson said the club had almost filled teams in under 12, 14, 16 and 18 divisions to play in a metropolitan competition next season.
“Coaches are being interviewed and we’re holding trials next week for all four age groups,” Ms Atkinson said.
“This is the first time we’ll have a unified neutral girl’s football club, enabling the best talent to be pooled together.”
Galaxy was originally formed to bid for a National Premier League licence but the submission was withdrawn after protracted negotiations and changes to the bid conditions.
“It’s the Galaxy reborn, if you like,” Ms Atkinson explained.
“It saves going through the process of incorporation again. But we’ll consider applying for team name down the track.”
Ms Atkinson said the response demonstrated the high level of enthusiasm among the region’s junior female soccer players for an opportunity to play against the best.
“This is overdue for girls. There’s obviously a bunch of girls out there who aspire to grow as top-class footballers but unfortunately they’ve been unable to get that opportunity in clubs.”
Ms Atkinson said clubs understood that the reformation of Geelong Galaxy for girls was in the best interests of the players.
“Clubs can see this is what’s needed because it enables girls to receive that individual coaching and development which can’t always get at club level.
“Clubs recognise when they have developed a player as far as they can and when they need to let her go to next level.”
Ms Atkinson said two clubs, Surf Coast and Rangers, had offered the use of facilities for training and match days.
“Now we really need sponsors to come on board to make this as financially viable as possible so our girls do have the opportunity to play with and against the best for their age.”
Ms Atkinson said anyone interested in helping could contact the club at geelonggalaxygirls@gmail.com.