WALKING soccer has become a hit in Geelong since it was publicised in the Independent a month ago.
The new form of sport for older or inactive people has “taken off” even though its six-week trial period has yet to finish.
Melanie Thomas, from Leisure Networks, said more players were registering weekly and a regular core of members had been established.
“We’ve had women joining, we’ve had older men bringing their sons along as well,” Thomas said.
“As the program grows we hope to take it to multiple locations and will also start a women’s program in the coming months.”
Run through the VicHealth Regional Sport Program, walking soccer aims to develop opportunities to increase the number of people participating in sport.
The game focuses on people currently inactive or who have low levels of physical activity.
“The key difference in the rules from the regular game is that if a player runs it’s a free-kick to the other team,” Thomas explained.
“This restriction, together with a ban on slide tackles, promotes cardiovascular fitness whilst reducing stress on the body and avoiding injuries.”
Thomas said the time length of each game could vary, dependent on fitness levels and the number of players.
“We also see it as a great social outlet, where people can get together after the game and chat about the match and life in general.”
Matches are played at Norlane’s Anakie Rd Leisure Time Centre from 7pm Wednesdays, with costs been capped at $4 a player.
Thomas said more information was available by phoning her on 5224 9932 or emailing melanie@leisurenetworks.org.