Twitter goes to Daz’s head …

Geelong mayor Darryn Lyons sports a Twitter logo on his sconce.

He’s a king of social media and it’s … well, it’s gone to his head.

Geelong mayor Darryn Lyons, with more than 1.2 million twitter followers, has emblazoned the famed Twitter logo across his equally famed mohawk – a bright little bluebird against a white background.

It’s all part of a new Aussie version of Twitter’s Discover Your World video promo which was filmed with Cr Lyons on the Geelong waterfront and his Esplanade home at the weekend.

Cr Lyons told the Independent he was excited to be part of twitter’s marketing clip.

“I’m honoured to be recognised as one of twitter’s most influential Australian users,” said mayor Lyons.

“Twitter is an amazing social media tool allowing me to speak directly to Geelong residents and people from all over the world.

“The Discover Your World US clip is fascinating to watch with talent like Richard Branson, Piers Morgan Serena Williams, Hillary Clinton and Snoop Dog to name a few.”

Lyons blue and white coiffure was sorted by Newtown hairdresser Adam Di Biase.