Jessica Benton
A LOCAL vet is pleading with pet owners to keep an eye on their furry friends during the summer heat.
Geelong Animal Welfare Society’s Robyn Stewart said dogs and cats were particularly vulnerable in the hot weather.
She said the best place for pets during a hot spell was at home.
“Leave the pets at home,” she said.
“It’s too hot at the beach, don’t take them for a walk, give them a couple of water bowls, and if you have air-conditioning, keep your pets indoors.
“It’s just common sense.”
Victorian Minister for Agriculture Joe Helper said the recent heatwave with temperatures peaking at 44.9C in Geelong last Monday meant unless owners took necessary precautions, pets could suffer and even die.
“It’s essential that pet owners always provide plenty of cool, clean water and shade for their pets,” he said.
“Animals can also get sun burnt, so hairless, light-coated dogs and white cats should be protected with sunscreen when outdoors in the sun.
“Other pets, like birds, rabbits and guinea pigs also need cool water and access to a shady and well-ventilated area on hot days.
“Kennels, aviaries, rabbit hutches and cat runs should have an area that is in shade for the whole day.”
Veterinarian, Dr Mark Perissinotto said dogs left alone in parked cars could die in as little as six minutes from heat stress, while dogs left on tray-back utilities also risked severely burned paws from metal floors exposed to the sun.
“The temperatures in a parked car can soar to over 60 degrees very quickly, creating conditions which can quite literally cook your dog alive,” he said.
“Dogs can quickly suffer from heat stress resulting in painful death in as little as six minutes.
“This is not a new warning, but sadly too many people still don’t appreciate how dangerous and cruel it can be to leave a dog in a hot car.”
The most obvious sign of heat stroke in dogs is excessive panting and salivation. Other signs include red or purple gums and tongue, a rapid pulse, unsteadiness, glazed eyes, seizures, vomiting and diarrhea, Dr Perissinotto said.