Lovers of orchestral music have a smorgasbord of live performances to choose from with three orchestras contributing to Geelong’s cultural life.
Orchestra Geelong’s will announce a vibrant 2016 program to be directed by newly appointed and highly regarded conductor/organist Professor Mel Waters, now a Geelong local.
The program adds to two concerts to be presented next year by a newly-formed Geelong Symphony Orchestra.
Orchestra Geelong president Malcolm John said Geelong was well served for live orchestral music.
“The fully professional Melbourne Symphony Orchestra gives five superb concerts a year in Costa Hall,” Mr John said.
“We also have Orchestra Geelong (previously Geelong Community Orchestra) with 42 talented players from within our city.
“They bring a pleasing variety of quality music to appreciative audiences three times a year, and have done so for several years now.”
Geelong Community Orchestra underwent a name change after more than 30 years, presenting three concerts a year.
Orchestra Geelong presents programs including works from symphonies, classical and more modern pieces as well as well-known shows.
The third Orchestra Geelong concert for 2015 will be directed by professional guest conductor Dr Kevin Cameron at 3pm on 29 November in the George Logie Smith auditorium, Keith Humble Centre, Aphrasia Street, Newtown.
Music by great classical composers Beethoven, Haydn and Mozart’s beautiful 23rd Piano Concerto featuring Geelong pianist Tanika Richards will be performed.
Tickets are adult $20, concession $15 and under 16 years free, available by calling 5231 5595 or 0409 333 782 and are available at the door.