Highton concert a ‘chance to thank Red Cross volunteers’

Songs of celebration: Marian Stojanovski will sing at the concert.  Songs of celebration: Marian Stojanovski will sing at the concert.

Geelong will have a chance to thank the region’s tireless Red Cross volunteers at a charity concert this weekend, according to an organiser.
Dorothy O’Donnell said Geelong Barwon Region Red Cross would mark a global celebration day on Sunday with the concert at Highton.
The event would be the region’s first Red Cross concert to acknowledge the quiet-behind-the scenes work of the service’s Geelong volunteers, she said.
“We find that people know about Red Cross but generally don’t know what we do locally.
“They see the appeals for earthquakes and bushfires but don’t realise we run programs like the one in which elderly or frail people can receive a phone call every morning to check they’re okay or the school breakfast programs, first-aid courses and prison support services.
“There are also two Red Cross vehicles on the road five days a week that transport patients to places like the Peter MacCallum Cancer Centre with volunteer drivers.”
Ms O’Donnell said the organisation was “in desperate need” of more volunteers.
“We always need more volunteers and I’d particularly love more people to join our first-aid team, even if they don’t have any experience.”
She said Sunday’s concert would start at 2pm at Highton’s St Luke’s Uniting church.