‘Fighting fund’ in height fight

SENSITIVE: Bruce Harwood.


OPPONENTS to plans that would rezone Newtown for four-storey housing are trying to set up a $25,000 fighting fund against the State Government-changes.
Newtown Action Group is asking for individual pledges of $500 to defend their neighbourhood at an independent panel hearing they expect to adjudicate on the rezoning in April.
The group said City Hall’s support for the Melbourne-style density zoning threatened “the identity of Geelong” and the “heritage, amenity and character” of its neighbourhoods.
Group convenor Vicki Baensch said the residents needed funding to commission professionals for the hearing fight.
“We’re asking for a pledge of $500 or more from all Newtown residents. We hope to raise $25,000, which we expect will cover the costs of the experts.
“We’ve spoken to the professionals and gathered their advice as to how we best represent ourselves at the panel hearing. This will involve town planners who will conduct a detailed review of relevant planning policies et cetera,” she said.
“The most important part of the panel hearing is the expert witness statement and presentation of evidence in chief.
“Finally, we can choose to engage a lawyer/barrister as an advocate to ensure our case stays on track and puts us in a convincing position.”
The action group has lodged a 350-signatory petition with City Hall arguing the C300 four-storey rezoning is at odds with council’s own guiding rationale and inconsistent with the intent of the state zoning on at least four grounds.
The group has met councillors Bruce Harwood and Stretch Kontelj to state its case and seek advice.
Cr Harwood said “sensitive” issues like the rezoning became “magnified” in state election years.
“In this case, a portion of the community is having a very vigorous say in what they think is best for their neighbourhood. It will be interesting to see how it is viewed by council and the government.”