City issues heat alert

Residents are urged to take note of a city heat alert.

Predicted high temperatures for tomorrow and the following night have prompted the formal issuing of a Heatwave Alert by the City of Greater Geelong.

Cr Kylie Fisher said Tuesday night’s predicted overnight minimum in the Geelong region was at or above the 20 degree trigger point.

She said this would prolong the effects of Tuesday’s predicted maximum temperature of around 40 degrees.

Cr Fisher said the oppressive temperatures predicted for Tuesday night would provide those with low heat resistance no respite after the stifling heat of Tuesday.

“Tuesday is going to be a trial for everybody,” she said.

“But if those of us who are fit and able-bodied are feeling the effects of the 40-degree heat, just try to imagine what babies, young children and the elderly will be going through.

“It’s an unfortunate fact, too, that many of the elderly are reluctant to take advantage of air conditioning – even if they have it – because of the big drain and high cost of the electricity that air conditioning demands.

“And I would also appeal to residents to take extra care of their pets on these very hot days,” Cr Fisher said.

“Make sure they can get some shade, out of the sun, and make sure they have clean water in their dishes. Pets can become dehydrated very quickly.

“And please, please, never, ever leave children or pets in the car on these hot days – you might intend to be away only a couple of minutes, but it’s so easy to become distracted and leave kids or pets trapped in the oven-like interior of the car.

“It’s no good being remorseful after the event. This is a matter of life and death.”