A GENEROUS fitness benefactor will win the right to exact symbolic revenge on personal trainers as part of the Worlds Greatest Shave charity this March.
Lee Nieto of Zest Personal Training said the person who donated the highest amount of money could not only shave off her curls but also train her in an hour long work out.
The Geelong West mother-of-three said she would shave the trademark blonde locks she had been growing for 12 months to honor clients she had trained and mourned following battles with cancer.
“It’s so hard to watch someone work so hard to achieve their fitness peak only to have it stolen away by cancer,” she said.
“Cancer doesn’t care if you’re fit and healthy or not.”
Ms Nieto said she wanted to raise $15,000 to help find a cure for cancer or a treatment to make the road to recovery “that little bit easier”.
“People have to work so hard to rebuild their fitness after fighting the cancer itself,” she said.
“Losing my hair will be really hard for me but I hope it’s something that can motivate others to put a part of them on the line to make a difference in the life of a cancer sufferer.”
Leukaemia Foundation fundraising manager Meaghan Bush said World’s Greatest Shave was looking for around 7000 Victorians to raise $3.2 million.
“We encourage everyone to register as early as possible so they have the opportunity to raise the needed funds for our organisation,” she said.
“One thing blood cancer doesn’t do is discriminate, it affects all types of people from all different backgrounds in all age groups.”
Blood cancer is the biggest killer in Australia after lung cancer, according to the Leukaemia Foundation.