LOCAL surf life saving club members are lining up to sign on for the Independent Superkidz Triathlon.
The all-abilities event is part of the Geelong Multi Sport Festival on the city’s waterfront from February 10 to 12.
Jan Juc SLSC family members Brian and Lisa Happ and their two girls, seven year old Jasmine and Kyalla, nine, are looking forward to the event.
Lisa said the girls were involved in competition training and the surf education program at Jan Juc.
“They’ve been busy over the Christmas break and started training back in November for the state championships in Lorne in March.
“So they do a lot of swimming and running as part of their surf training, and as a family we do a fair bit of bike riding, so it fits in perfectly.
“Plus the kids love doing three activities in one event and get a lot of fun out of it.”
Lisa said the all-abilities format was attractive to parents. “It’s not a competitive thing, so it doesn’t matter where your child comes, it’s just for the fun of it.”
She said the girls were also members at Grovedale Little Athletics and Geelong Swimming Club and were keen to get some of their friends to enter the triathlon as well.
“We’ll recruit a few of their fellow runners and swimmers to get into it as well,” Lisa laughed.
“There aren’t that many events around purely focussed on the kids, especially ones that are more about participation than competing and that’s the key, just getting them involved.
“Brian and I both coach and its events like this that keeps kids together and interested.
“It’s a little bit different and adds excitement, plus they learn about different events and get to do some different practice.”
More information about the Multi Sport Festival, including the Superkidz triathlon, is available at geelongmultisport.com.au.