Sides set in Queenscliff councillor stoush: Code charges ‘ludicrous’

A CODE of conduct panel to investigate Queenscliffe councillor David Mitchell’s behaviour is based on “ludicrous” charges, according to a former councillor.
David Kenwood said council’s “singling out” of Cr Mitchell at last month’s meeting was “small-town politics at its worst”.
Queenscliffe council last month voted for a $40,000 code of conduct panel to investigate Cr Mitchell for eight alleged breaches of the code.
The accusations against Cr Mitchell include disrespectful language to fellow councillors, discourteous and intimidating treatment of council staff and acting against the chief executive officer’s advice.
“They’ve taken the only effective councillor they’ve got and dragged him off to a public crucifixion. As a former councillor, I think if they fail to prove their case, the chief executive officer and mayor should both resign,” Mr Kenwood said.
Queenscliffe council lacked “meaningful debate”, he said.
“Cr Mitchell is the only councillor who’s actually asking questions and doing his best to get to the bottom of issues and find out the truth.”
Point Lonsdale community member Rob Wallis described the misconduct allegations as a “character assassination” that sent a message to Cr Mitchell’s voters that their opinions “don’t matter”.
“This goes far beyond one man and his reputation. It is about the right of citizens to elect councillors that will represent their interests,” he said.
“This is a witch-hunt because he asks hard questions and the others don’t like it.”
Queenscliffe Mayor Bob Merriman said a code of conduct panel was necessary because the Borough had “exhausted all other options”.
“The inefficiencies and waste of time that Cr Mitchell has cost us far outweighs the $40,000. I have had a significant number of people from the community call me and say, ‘well done, it’s about time,’ ” he said.
Cr Merriman said problems with Cr Mitchell had begun in 2008.
“The other councillors ask hard questions as well, but they do so adhering to the code of conduct.”
Cr Lloyd Davies voted against the code of conduct panel and said the matter should have remained private.
“It’s quite sad that it’s come to this point in Cr Mitchell and Cr Merriman’s relationship.”